미래 가치 공간 창조 X
Notice | category | NoticePrivacy Notice | Admin | 2023.05.01 | |
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예약은 본인만 가능하며, 이 외 귀하 회사의 여행 정책에 따라 여행 매니저의 승인이 필요할 수 있습니다. |
9 | Waiting | category | Can I really make a booking and issue the ticket up to 48 hours before the trip? | Karen | 2023.05.25 |
8 | Waiting | category | Can two travel managers make a booking for the same person withing the same company? | Anna | 2023.05.23 |
7 | Waiting | category | I want to put children in the travelers profile of a corporation. Is that possible? | Jack | 2023.05.10 |
6 | Waiting | category | What are the payment methods available? | Raphael | 2023.05.02 |
5 | Waiting | category | Can I issue a travel service (flight , hotel, car rental etc.) without the use of a credit card? | Blaise | 2023.04.31 |
4 | Waiting | category | Can I rent a car on a full credit basis? | Alex | 2023.04.27 |
3 | Replied | category | Can I make a booking if I am not a travel manager? | Paul | 2023.04.15 |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc lacus justo, lacinia vel justo ut, congue congue ligula. Sed et mauris ut lectus vestibulum blandit sit amet quis leo. Nullam non lectus et ex aliquet scelerisque eget non nisi. Maecenas dapibus convallis iaculis. Maecenas aliquet ipsum vestibulum leo sagittis, a tincidunt sem pulvinar. Aliquam id libero porta augue dictum egestas eu sed leo. Aliquam faucibus nisl nunc, vitae mollis metus semper et.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc lacus justo, lacinia vel justo ut, congue congue ligula. Sed et mauris ut lectus vestibulum blandit sit amet quis leo. Nullam non lectus et ex aliquet scelerisque eget non nisi. Maecenas dapibus convallis iaculis. Maecenas aliquet ipsum vestibulum leo sagittis, a tincidunt sem pulvinar. Aliquam ...
2 | Replied | category | Can I enroll to a specific Reward category without having reached the respective travel spending? | Eva | 2023.04.12 |
1 | Replied | category | Can I book any airport lounge I want? | Oliver | 2023.04.05 |
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